Vicki Barbolak, a talented comedian known for her down-to-earth humor and relatable storytelling, will perform at Jimmy Kimmel's Comedy Club in Las Vegas on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 7:00 PM. Vicki gained national fame as a finalist on America's ... read moreGot Talent, where her performances captivated audiences with their authenticity and comedic timing. Her humor often draws from her personal experiences, delivering sharp and hilarious observations about everyday life.
Fans can expect an evening filled with Vicki’s signature blend of storytelling, wit, and humor, offering an intimate and engaging experience. Whether she’s reflecting on her life in California or sharing insights into the human condition, her performances resonate with audiences through their warmth and relatability.
With her growing popularity and the intimate atmosphere of Jimmy Kimmel’s Comedy Club, this show promises to be a fun and memorable experience. It’s recommended to secure tickets early for a chance to see Vicki live and enjoy an evening of laughter in one of Las Vegas' premier comedy venues.
2025 Schedule
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