Rick Thomas, a world-renowned illusionist, brings his critically acclaimed show, "Mansion of Dreams," to Branson, Missouri, for the 2024 season. This multi-million dollar production, years in the making, features some of the most innovative and intriguing grand illusions in the world. Set within the enchanting Mansion of Dreams, the show weaves magic, music, and dance into a seamless spectacle, captivating audiences with its blend of mystery, fantasy, and jaw-dropping illusions.
With a career spanning five world tours and performances in over 50 countries, Rick Thomas has been honored with prestigious awards, including "Magician of the Year" by the Academy of Magical Arts and "Stage Magician of the Year" by the World Magic Awards. His show offers a unique and unforgettable experience, combining cutting-edge magic with theatrical artistry. "Mansion of Dreams" continues to be a standout in Branson’s entertainment scene, offering visitors a spellbinding journey into the world of illusion.
With a career spanning five world tours and performances in over 50 countries, Rick Thomas has been honored with prestigious awards, including "Magician of the Year" by the Academy of Magical Arts and "Stage Magician of the Year" by the World Magic Awards. His show offers a unique and unforgettable experience, combining cutting-edge magic with theatrical artistry. "Mansion of Dreams" continues to be a standout in Branson’s entertainment scene, offering visitors a spellbinding journey into the world of illusion.