Comedian Joe Gatto, renowned for his work on "Impractical Jokers" and "The Misery Index," is bringing his "Let's Get Into It" stand-up tour to The Chelsea at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on Saturday, May 3, 2025, at 8:00 PM. Known for his quick wit ... read moreand engaging storytelling, Gatto's performance promises an evening filled with laughter and entertainment.
Tickets are available through official ticketing platforms. Given Gatto's popularity and the limited seating capacity of the venue, it's advisable to secure tickets promptly to ensure attendance.
The Chelsea offers a stylish and intimate setting, enhancing the live comedy experience. Attendees are encouraged to review the venue's policies regarding permitted items and to arrive early to fully enjoy the event.
2025 Schedule
Select a date in the event schedule for more information.